Mawda Species
Mawda (Mah-dah) Name is derived from the Latin word cauda, meaning tail, and maw.
Mawless/tailless: Those mawda without mouths on their tails by having it removed, or in rare cases, born without
Headless/Mindless: Mawda’s whose mouthtails have eaten the main head and taken over the body
Genetic appropriation: The process of which a mawda’s tail eats something and it affects the body in changing its appearance or other attributes temporarily.
Aether: An element or energy found all about Armawda
Mawless/tailless: Those mawda without mouths on their tails by having it removed, or in rare cases, born without
Headless/Mindless: Mawda’s whose mouthtails have eaten the main head and taken over the body
Genetic appropriation: The process of which a mawda’s tail eats something and it affects the body in changing its appearance or other attributes temporarily.
Aether: An element or energy found all about Armawda
Who We Are
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Our History |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Mawda Anatomy
Eyes |
Pupils are considerably the most variable of mawda anatomy. Usually oval, they can expand to round or constrict to more slit-like. The colors of the pupil is black by default, but capturing pictures of some can reflect aether colors or pure white in the pupil. This is usually associated with aether manipulation potential.
Though, due to the nature of aether, mutations and tears are not uncommon in the pupils. |
Mawda Subspecies
Blue Fellow
Blue Fellow’s come from the northern regions of one of Armawda’s major continents where they are either in snowy mountains or the country of the Blue Forest.
Appearance: As the name suggests, Blues tend to be blue. Though also they can be green, black, white, with high contrasting accents, or other neutral tones. They are among the largest maws in the world, towering easily twice the height of the average maw. They tend to have long ears, but there is an earless mutation within the race. Long lace, thick snout, fat square noses, snaggle teeth, long ears, aquiline nose. Frills tend to be collared, cowl, or none. |
These mawda tend to have bright, tropical colored fur. Small to medium height averaging around 8 ft. Larger hooked claws. Ears tend to be long. Faces tend to be long and sharper looking. Beautiful long, smooth horns that cause some maws to think they were a different species and caused them to be hunted in the past. These horns are quite strong and are sometimes used for fishing, by diving. Some have snaggled sharp teeth or fangs, similar to Blue Fellow, but not as large. “Beastial” looking as described by those who’ve migrated to the region. Tending to have collared frills, like high collars giving a regal look.
This one is the most vague as it’s a race that developed due to mixing multiple races that have, over time, developed their own unique features which make them an average and most abundant race in the forests of the main continent. But can be likened to a “smaller blue fellow.”
Appearance: Fur color pallets for commons tend to be natural, with some variations of warm colors, but mostly consist of warm browns and greens, but sometimes accented. They round or slim faces, long ears, most likely to have long tails. |
Islander |
(names of specific groups of islanders vary, though many share appearance, they still vary)
Maws from these races come from a lineage that comes from islands in tropical locations. They tend to feel very at home at sea, and have cultures revolving around boats and fishing.. Appearance: They tend to be slender and light tinted tan and yellow colors with stark black and rust accents. Usually always black short snouts, black point patterns, and long black manes. None or very faint frills. |
Kobresian (co-bri-zhei-ahn)
Kobresians are forest and desert dwelling mawda that vary in colors, but tend towards greens. They have a distinct feature of frills attached to their ears, giving them a hooded appearance. Their average sizes are large, being slightly smaller than bluefellows. If not closely related to them. Also triple nostril slits are common.
Stouts ancestors hail from a distant continent that was quite cold. The majority of Stouts on the main continent that this “story” takes place live in Joyland.
Appearance: The smallest and shortest race. They tend to have bell droopy ears, manes(hair), round stubby faces, their race is most likely to have the extra short stubby tails. Fur tends to be cool colors and neutrals. |